Giniki - Runner Who Has Sights Set on Glory

Emmanuel Giniki Gisamoda in China Recently Emmanuel Giniki stands tall among the excelling local runners who have weathered the storm to stay at the helm of Tanzania's athletic platform. Born in 1988 in a poor family based in Hanang, Katesh, Manyara, Giniki's running talent can be traced back since his childhood at the Jorodom Primary School. "I am coming from a poor family where we sometimes went without food. That was our daily life. This is what encouraged me to train hard and I am determined to use athletics to bring my family out of poverty," he said during an exclusive interview with The Citizen. After completing primary school education in 2007, Gikini joined Ganana Secondary School in Hanang where his running talent was revealed. "I used to compete and win many championships to the extent that teachers and most of my friends suggested that I better drop lessons to concentrate on athletics," he said. A few years later, h...