Dar Marathon hits another milestone, locals impress

Dickson Marwa /The winner The Rotary Dar Marathon took place on Tuesday and once again it hit a milestone after realising about Sh500 million meant to support education. The funds raised, according to organisers, will be used to complete a world-class entrepreneurial resource centre at the University of Dar es Salaam under ‘Empowering Leaders through Education’ theme. Organised by Rotary Clubs in Dar es Salaam in association with Bank M, the race attracted over 10,000 competitors from different parts of the world, thus making it the biggest marathon event in Tanzania. World record holders and past champions highlighted the half marathon. The runners came from Kenya, Rwanda, Malawi, the Tanzanian military, Police and the elite up-country runners. In this year’s edition, the men’s 21.1kilometre race winner was Dickson Marwa who clocked 1:02:41 hours followed by Ismail Juma (1:02:42) and Fabian Joseph (1:02:45). The trio are established athletes in half marathon. The women’s...