
Showing posts from August 17, 2014

Stars legends ready for Real Madrid encounter

(TFF) president Jamal Malinzi (L) looks on as former Real Madrid player Reuben De la Red, (3rd-R), exchanges note with TSN group managing director Farouk Baghoza in Dar es Salaam yesterday. Tanzania XI assistant head coach, Jamhuri Kihwelo, is confident that his squad will outshine Real Madrid legends on Saturday at the National Stadium. Speaking yesterday, Kihwelo said his team was physically fit and ready to take on the Real legends. The outspoken coach, who should also have played on Saturday, said only three players were missing from the camp while disclosing that goalkeepers, Mohamed Mwameja and Peter Manyika have already joined the team. According to him, the players, who hung their boots several years ago, are fit enough to play any top team after just a few days of training. He singled out Yusuf Macho, Abdul Maneno, Abdul Mashine, Said Maulid as among those who are still on top of their game. “We’re ready for them, I am sure that our legends will play

Pete Magill: How to Avoid Slowing Down As You Age

Pete Magill of Southern California Pete Magill is one of the top masters runners in the United States. Over the past decade, he’s led his Southern California clubs to 17 masters national championships in cross country and road racing. He’s won the individual title in six masters national cross country championships, holds five American age group records, and is the oldest American to break 15:00 for 5K, running 14:45 at the distance a few months before turning 50. He is also the fastest American distance runner over age 50 in the 5K (15:01) and 10K (31:11) and second fastest half-marathon (1:10:19). Pete is also a coach having coached runners at the youth, high school, open, and masters levels. He’s also a senior writer for Running Times magazine where he shares his training insights and has just released a new book titled Build your Running Body , which takes an approach to building the parts of your body necessary for successful running vs focusing on mileage alo

Lipumba: Tuwekeze katika michezo

Ni ndoto kwa Tanzania kufanya vizuri kwenye michezo kitaifa na kimataifa bila kuwekeza kwenye kukuza vipaji vya vijana kama ambavyo zimefanya nchi nyingine duniani. Huo ni ushauri wa Mwenyekiti wa Chama cha Wananchi (CUF), Profesa Ibrahim Lipumba katika mahojiano maalumu na gazeti hili mwishoni mwa wiki. Prof Lipumba, ambaye mbali ya kubobea katika uchumi na siasa, alisema Tanzania haina budi kuwekeza katika michezo kuanzia elimu ya awali, msingi, sekondari hadi vyuo vikuu ambako vipaji vipya vitaweza kuibuliwa. Alisema Tanzania imekuwa ikifanya vibaya kimichezo kutokana na watoto wake wengi kudumaa kimwili kutokana na lishe duni kwao na wazazi wao. “Tunafanya vibaya kimichezo, tunatafuta sababu, lakini sababu zipo katikati yetu,” alieleza Prof Lipumba na kuongeza kuwa asilimia 42 ya watoto nchini wamedumaa, jambo ambalo linawaathiri katika mambo mengi yakiwamo michezo. Msomi huyo ambaye ni shabiki wa klabu ya Simba alisema uwekezaji ambao umefanywa kwa mfano n

Tanzania Youths Continue to Flop At Olympic Games

TANZANIA'S medal hopes in the Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games kept fading after the country's swimmer Ammaar Ghadiyali failed to make a cut in the semi-finals of the men's 50m freestyle. Ghadiyali took first place in heat one at Nanjing OSC Natatorium, putting down a time of 26.16 seconds but it was not enough to carry him through following outstanding results in the other five heats. The Tanzanian youngster finished 0.23 seconds ahead of second-placed Kojenlang Troy of the Marshall Islands, while Djoumoi Ibroihim of Comoros came in third at 29.57 seconds. Democratic Republic of Congo's Sokomayi Jonathan (31.69) and Cameroon's Guedia Cabrel settled for fourth and fifth places respectively (32.17). A total of 38 swimmers in other heats finished above Ghadiyali and out of them only one clocked more than 26 seconds, Swaziland's Richter Gabriel, who topped heat two after clocking 26.15 seconds. Tanzania's campaign at the multi-spo

Viongozi wa riadha Tanzania wakubali makosa

Tulitegemea Shirikisho la Riadha la Taifa (RT) lingeyatumia mashindano hayo kuanza kutengeneza timu ya ushindani ambayo itashiriki kwenye Michezo ya Afrika mwakani.PICHA|MAKTABA  Shirikisho la Riadha Tanzania (RT) limeshindwa kupeleka wanamichezo kwenye mashindano ya Afrika ya riadha yaliyomalizika wiki iliyopita jijini Marrakech, Morocco na kushirikisha wanariadha 600 kutoka mataifa 47. Mashindano hayo yalifanyika kwa siku nne, kuanzia Agosti 10 mpaka 14 huku Afrika Kusini ikiongoza kwa kutwaa medali nyingi, ikifuatiwa na Nigeria na Kenya. Katika mashindano hayo, Zanzibar ilipeleka wanariadha wawili waliochuana katika michezo ya kurusha kisahani, mkuki na tufe huku Bara ikishindwa kupeleka mkimbiaji hata mmoja. Kitendo cha Bara kushindwa kupeleka wanamichezo katika mashindano hayo ya riadha ya Afrika kimewanyima fursa wanariadha kwenda kushindana na kutafuta viwango vitakavyowasaidia kwenye mashindano mengine ya kimataifa. Mashindano hiyo ya riadha

Ikangaa, Shahanga waishangaa RT

Kanali Mstaafu Juma Ikangaa Bingwa wa Afrika wa 1982, Juma Ikangaa na mshindi wa medali fedha ya Jumuiya ya madola, Gidamis Shahanga wamelishangaa Shirikisho la Riadha Tanzania (RT) kushindwa kupeleka timu kwenye Mashindano ya Afrika yanayoendelea nchini Morocco. Wanariadha hao wakongwe wamesema kuwa, kati ya vioja vinavyofanywa na RT ni kushindwa kupeleka timu kwenye mashindano makubwa kama hayo na kusisitiza kuwa kutokwenda kwenye mashindano hayo kutaiweka Tanzania katika mazingira magumu  kwenye Michezo ya Afrika (All African Games) mwakani. Gidamis Shahanga Wakizungumza na gazeti hili kwa nyakati tofauti jana, walisema, Tanzania ilipaswa kutumia mashindano ya Afrika kuwapima wanariadha wake kwa maandalizi ya Michezo ya Afrika. “RT imekosea kutopeleka timu Morocco, tunaambiwa imepeleka wanariadha wawili ambao  wamekwenda kuiwakilisha Zanzibar na si Tanzania bara,” alisema Ikangaa aliyewahi kuwa bingwa wa marathoni kwenye mashindano hayo ya 1982, nchini Mi