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2016 Rio Olympics without Russia |
The IOC Executive Board (EB) has today further studied the
question of the participation of Russian athletes in the Olympic Games Rio
2016. In its deliberations, the IOC EB was guided by a fundamental rule of the
Olympic Charter to protect clean athletes and the integrity of sport.
The study included the discussion of the World Anti-Doping
Agency (WADA)’s Independent Person (IP) Report by Prof. Richard McLaren; the
decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on 21 July 2016 concerning
the rules of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF); as
well as the Olympic Charter and the World Anti-Doping Code.
Given the urgency of the situation, with the Olympic Games
Rio 2016 starting in 12 days, and the athletes’ entry process already underway,
the IOC EB had to take a preliminary decision with regard to the participation
of Russian athletes in Rio de Janeiro. Prof. McLaren states in his report that
it “fulfils partially the mandate of the Independent Person”. This is why the
IOC supports his request to continue and finalise his work. On the other hand,
this situation leads to an urgency for the IOC which does not allow it
sufficient time for hearings for affected athletes, officials and organisations.
The IOC EB has given the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) the
opportunity to present the case of the Russian athletes and the ROC.
This was
done by Mr Alexander Zhukov, ROC President, at the beginning of the EB
telephone conference, which he left immediately following his
presentation. During his presentation, Mr. Zhukov explained that the
Russian Federation and the ROC guarantee full cooperation with all
international organisations to shed light on the issue in every respect. He
also guaranteed that the ROC commits to a complete and comprehensive
restructuring of the Russian anti-doping system. In this context, he stressed
that the ROC is committed to clean sport and would work towards guaranteeing
clean sport in Russia.
He further stated that all Russian athletes selected for the
Olympic Games Rio 2016 have been tested over the last six months by foreign
anti-doping agencies. Samples were taken by foreign doping control officers and
the samples analysed in foreign laboratories. Russian athletes who participated
in different competitions in all sports have submitted more than 3,000 doping
samples. The vast majority of the results were negative. The IOC EB discussed the status of the ROC. In this respect,
it took note of the fact that the IP Report made no findings against the ROC as
an institution.
The IOC EB took note of a letter dated 23 July 2016 from the
International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF). In this letter the ISSF
confirms having received from WADA information about the three “disappearing
samples” concerning shooting. The ISSF states that these three samples had been
entered, at the time they were reported, into WADA’s ADAMS Results Management
System as positives, and all the result management procedures have already been
On the basis of the Findings of the IP Report, all Russian
athletes seeking entry to the Olympic Games Rio 2016 are considered to be
affected by a system subverting and manipulating the anti-doping system. The IP
Report indicates that, due to “the highly compressed timeline”, the IP has
“only skimmed the surface of the extensive data available”. The IOC EB
therefore came to the conclusion that this view cannot be restricted only to
athletes from the 20 Olympic summer sports mentioned in the IP Report.
Under these exceptional circumstances, Russian athletes in
any of the 28 Olympic summer sports have to assume the consequences of what
amounts to a collective responsibility in order to protect the credibility of
the Olympic competitions, and the “presumption of innocence” cannot be applied
to them. On the other hand, according to the rules of natural justice,
individual justice, to which every human being is entitled, has to be applied.
This means that each affected athlete must be given the opportunity to rebut
the applicability of collective responsibility in his or her individual
After deliberating, the IOC EB decided:
1. The IOC will not accept any entry of any Russian athlete
in the Olympic Games Rio 2016 unless such athlete can meet the conditions set
out below.
2. Entry will be accepted by the IOC only if an athlete is
able to provide evidence to the full satisfaction of his or her International
Federation (IF) in relation to the following criteria:
• The
IFs*, when establishing their pool of eligible Russian athletes, to apply the
World Anti-Doping Code and other principles agreed by the Olympic Summit (21
June 2016).
• The
absence of a positive national anti-doping test cannot be considered sufficient
by the IFs.
• The
IFs should carry out an individual analysis of each athlete’s anti-doping
record, taking into account only reliable adequate international tests, and the
specificities of the athlete’s sport and its rules, in order to ensure a level
playing field.
• The IFs to examine the information contained in the IP
Report, and for such purpose seek from WADA the names of athletes and National
Federations (NFs) implicated. Nobody implicated, be it an athlete, an official,
or an NF, may be accepted for entry or accreditation for the Olympic Games.
• The
IFs will also have to apply their respective rules in relation to the
sanctioning of entire NFs.
3. The ROC is not allowed to enter any athlete for the
Olympic Games Rio 2016 who has ever been sanctioned for doping, even if he or
she has served the sanction.
4. The IOC will accept an entry by the ROC only if the
athlete’s IF is satisfied that the evidence provided meets conditions 2 and 3
above and if it is upheld by an expert from the CAS list of arbitrators
appointed by an ICAS Member, independent from any sports organisation involved
in the Olympic Games Rio 2016.
5. The entry of any Russian athlete ultimately accepted by
the IOC will be subject to a rigorous additional out-of-competition testing
programme in coordination with the relevant IF and WADA. Any non-availability
for this programme will lead to the immediate withdrawal of the accreditation
by the IOC.
Beyond these decisions, the IOC EB reaffirmed the provisional
measures already taken on 19 July 2016. They remain in place until 31 December
2016, and will be reviewed by the EB in December 2016.
Additional sanctions and measures may be imposed by the IOC
following the final report of the IP and due legal procedure by the IOC
Disciplinary Commission established on 19 July 2016 under the chairmanship of
Mr Guy Canivet (Vice-Chair of the IOC Ethics Commission, former member of the
French Constitutional Court and President of the French Cour de Cassation) and
the IOC EB.
The IOC EB reaffirms its serious concerns about the obvious
deficiencies in the fight against doping. The IOC thus emphasises again its
call to WADA to fully review their anti-doping system. The IOC will make its
contribution to this review by proposing measures for clearer responsibilities,
more transparency, better supervision procedures and more independence.
* The IAAF has already established its eligibility pool with
regard to Russian athletes.
The IOC EB further studied the request by the Russian track
and field athlete, Mrs Iuliia Stepanova, to compete in the Olympic Games Rio
2016 as a “neutral athlete”. Since Mrs Stepanova declined to compete as a
member of the ROC Team, the IOC EB had to consider the question of whether an
exception to the rules of the Olympic Charter is possible and appropriate.
Since this request has important ethical aspects, the IOC EB had asked the IOC
Ethics Commission for its advice. The Ethics Commission has heard Mrs Stepanova
and IAAF and ROC representatives.
Mrs Stepanova is basing her request on her role as
“whistle-blower” with regard to the manipulation of the anti-doping system and
corruption involving the WADA-accredited Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory, the
All-Russia Athletic Federation (ARAF) and the IAAF. The Ethics Commission applauds
the contribution of Mrs Stepanova to the fight against doping. It put this
contribution into the perspective of Mrs Stepanova’s own long implication, of
at least five years, in this doping system and the timing of her
whistle-blowing, which came after the system did not protect her any longer
following a positive test for which she was sanctioned for doping for the first
After a careful evaluation of the arguments, the Ethics
Commission gave the following advice to the IOC EB:
“While it is true that Mrs Stepanova’s testimony and public
statements have made a contribution to the protection and promotion of clean
athletes, fair play and the integrity and authenticity of sport, the Rules of
the Olympic Charter related to the organisation of the Olympic Games run
counter to the recognition of the status of neutral athlete. Furthermore, the
sanction to which she was subject and the circumstances in which she denounced
the doping practices which she had used herself, do not satisfy the ethical
requirements for an athlete to enter the Olympic Games.”
The IOC EB accepted the advice of the IOC Ethics Commission,
also taking into consideration its above-mentioned decision not to allow any
Russian athlete who has ever been sanctioned for doping to participate in the
Olympic Games Rio 2016. Therefore, the IOC will not enter Mrs Stepanova as a
competitor in the Olympic Games Rio 2016.
However, the IOC EB would like to express its appreciation
for Mrs Stepanova’s contribution to the fight against doping and to the
integrity of sport. Therefore the IOC invites Mrs Stepanova and her husband to
the Olympic Games Rio 2016. Furthermore, the IOC is ready to support Mrs
Stepanova so that she can continue her sports career and potentially join a
National Olympic Committee.
Lausanne, 24 July 2016
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